Friday, January 6, 2012


Lose weight, exercise more, be more organized are all pretty typical New Year's Resolutions. I guess I am a pretty typical girl because I resolved to join they gym in the first week of 2012 and I did. I even went and worked out at the gym today. Never mind that I am eating m&ms as I write this post.

Why is this gym membership newsworthy? I also signed Claire up for the daycare. I hadn't left her with a non-family member yet. So this morning, instead of our normal routine of cuddling on the couch for hours on end, I packed her up and headed to the Health and Lifestyle building. As I got to the childcare room, I almost turned around and got back in the car, but I didn't. There were even 2 kids I knew already in there. Miss Julia seemed nice and she was holding Claire when I left. I fought the tears and the urge to run back in there for THIRTY WHOLE MINUTES! When I returned, she was the only child in the room and was happy as could be rocking in the glider with Miss Julia. I was so happy to see her little face. I gave her lots of kisses and realized that she handled this whole thing way better than I did. Of course, she cried the whole way home, through the diaper change and swaddling until I started nursing her, then she fell asleep. She is napping now and I'm gearing up for an afternoon of errands. woohoo!

Big day in the House of Houghtons, two outings in a row. Think we can handle it?

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