Thursday, October 27, 2011

One week old!


-I pushed and pushed and pushed. My pelvis and baby girl's head were just not compatible.
-Claire Michelle was delivered via c-section at 5:49 a.m. and I'd never experienced so many emotions all at one time.
-My mom was able to be with me in the recovery room while Adam called his family and talked to my dad in the waiting room. His mom and my sister were able to come later in the day and my parents went back home.

-We had many visitors from Adam's co-workers and their spouses. I pray they only looked at the baby and don't remember what a disaster my appearance was that day.
-We called or sent e-mails to our families and friends.
-Adam and I spent lots of time just looking at her, completely amazed and thanking God for such a gift.

-I was happily unhooked from the IV, catheter, those stupid compression leg warmer-things and I could eat real food!!!!!!!!! Oh, and take shower too. Anybody who knows me, knows that 2 days without food or sleep was TOUGH for me.
-Molly came for one more visit and went home. Leah Gaye spent many hours at the house, hospital and running errands for us.
-We went for a little walk and just loved on Claire.

-The baby was still losing weight; she was down to 7 lbs, 15 ozs by midnight, 10% of her body weight. We started a supplemental nursing system
- Our pastor, his wife and daughter came to visit and pray with us.

-We were discharged and went home.
-Adam's dad came to meet Claire.
-It was so nice to be home.
-The baby did not sleep much that night and neither did I, Leah Gaye or Adam.

-My parents and Molly came back.
-The guys worked on the yard, roof, house.
-We had a celebratory meal and a toast!
-I worked on feeding the baby.
-Molly, Dad, Danny all went home.
-Mom is staying until Saturday with me. 

-Adam and I went to breast-feeding support group and I cried all the way there and through the first 45 min. Our childbirth class instructor met with us and was so supportive; I love her. We weighed the baby and we all decided I could abandon the supplemental nursing system. Then I sat with the other moms, including my friend Michelle, and felt much better about this whole breastfeeding thing.
-Mom cooked, cleaned and held the baby. She stayed up most the night with me and is such a good Grammy.
-Leah Gaye went home and we can't wait for Nana to come back in a few weeks.

-Adam went back to work.
-Mom and I went on a long outing to the doctor's office for the 1 week check. He weighed her on his scale (8 lbs, 7 ozs) and it wasn't as much weight gained as at the support group scale (8 lbs, 10 oz), but we think she probably weighs somewhere in between both of those numbers.
-We were amazed at how little we accomplished.

-We did a 1 week photo shoot!
-How time flies. 
***I wanted to post this yesterday, but it just didn't happen.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Claire Michelle Houghton

She is here! We picked the name way back in April while on vacation in Florida. Adam suggested it with a smile and we both agreed. Michelle is my sister's middle name, although she spells it Michele. Molly actually guessed the name correctly before she was born!

We think she is absolutely perfect. She is such a good baby. She likes to eat, sleep, be held and sit in her vibrating chair. We are overwhelmed by the kindness of our friends, families and neighbors. We thank God over and over for such a blessing.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

40 weeks

Happy Due Date Day! I woke up to a very windy cold fall day. I kind of love it!

Adam's vacation started yesterday afternoon, and he came with me to the doctor. He will be home the next 10 days. Of course, we wanted him home for the baby's first week, but even though she isn't here yet it will be nice for him to be around to keep me sane while we wait.

We talked for a long time with the doctor about induction yesterday. We have an appointment in his office for next Friday and will start induction Friday night or Saturday morning (depending on what type of induction). Hopefully that conversation was a big waste of time.

Adam TOTALLY surprised me yesterday with an early "push" present. A push present is a gift a father gives the mother to reward her for all her hard work and pain during pregnancy and labor and delivery. I was dropping steady hints about wanting a dozen roses and what stores had them on sale. Instead, the little stinker ordered me a brand new white iPhone 4 that was released yesterday. He said since he can trust me with a newborn, he can trust me with an iPhone. We are taking it to the store today to get it set up so it will be all ready to use at the hospital. He knew I really wanted something that I could use to video chat with my family and a phone that could take and receive pictures. Adam spoils me to no end! I didn't even have to do any pushing for my push present.

I hope the next post is announcing the birth of our baby girl!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

39 Weeks

A picture is worth a thousand words..... I feel fine. I make Adam put on my tennis shoes for me. I take a walk everyday. We went to see a movie today, one of the things you can't do with a newborn. We flipped a coin (on the iphone!) to decide between Ides of March and 50/50. Ides of March won and was only ok. 1/2 way through the movie we both wished we had gone to see 50/50. I guess we can go see it next weekend if this baby is still not born.

Hope you are all enjoying fine fall weather.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

38 weeks + 3 days

We love October!  We spent the weekend at home. Adam commented on how long weekends are when you don't go anywhere, don't have visitors and don't go to work (even though he did work for a collective 5 hours bc of an OB patient). We did yard work on Saturday. Adam trimmed so many bushes that the next morning at breakfast his hand was shaking when he was holding his toast.

My friend, Colleen, came to visit on Friday with her sweet baby Eddie. She was soooooo generous to let Wiley smell and lick her baby. It was his first experience with a little little baby. Overall, he did a pretty good job. I am not nervous to bring home our baby with him. Thanks, Colleen!

Nothing much new to report baby-wise. I am having some baby contractions but nothing impressive. I have physical complaints from my toes to my hair, but I'll save those and only bore Adam to death with the details. We can't wait to meet baby H!!!! Seriously, anytime now baby girl. Do you hear me???

Also, I think the email post thing is working again, but you need to re-subscribe. You will get an email asking if you want to subscribe and you must respond to that for it to work.
