Thursday, October 27, 2011

One week old!


-I pushed and pushed and pushed. My pelvis and baby girl's head were just not compatible.
-Claire Michelle was delivered via c-section at 5:49 a.m. and I'd never experienced so many emotions all at one time.
-My mom was able to be with me in the recovery room while Adam called his family and talked to my dad in the waiting room. His mom and my sister were able to come later in the day and my parents went back home.

-We had many visitors from Adam's co-workers and their spouses. I pray they only looked at the baby and don't remember what a disaster my appearance was that day.
-We called or sent e-mails to our families and friends.
-Adam and I spent lots of time just looking at her, completely amazed and thanking God for such a gift.

-I was happily unhooked from the IV, catheter, those stupid compression leg warmer-things and I could eat real food!!!!!!!!! Oh, and take shower too. Anybody who knows me, knows that 2 days without food or sleep was TOUGH for me.
-Molly came for one more visit and went home. Leah Gaye spent many hours at the house, hospital and running errands for us.
-We went for a little walk and just loved on Claire.

-The baby was still losing weight; she was down to 7 lbs, 15 ozs by midnight, 10% of her body weight. We started a supplemental nursing system
- Our pastor, his wife and daughter came to visit and pray with us.

-We were discharged and went home.
-Adam's dad came to meet Claire.
-It was so nice to be home.
-The baby did not sleep much that night and neither did I, Leah Gaye or Adam.

-My parents and Molly came back.
-The guys worked on the yard, roof, house.
-We had a celebratory meal and a toast!
-I worked on feeding the baby.
-Molly, Dad, Danny all went home.
-Mom is staying until Saturday with me. 

-Adam and I went to breast-feeding support group and I cried all the way there and through the first 45 min. Our childbirth class instructor met with us and was so supportive; I love her. We weighed the baby and we all decided I could abandon the supplemental nursing system. Then I sat with the other moms, including my friend Michelle, and felt much better about this whole breastfeeding thing.
-Mom cooked, cleaned and held the baby. She stayed up most the night with me and is such a good Grammy.
-Leah Gaye went home and we can't wait for Nana to come back in a few weeks.

-Adam went back to work.
-Mom and I went on a long outing to the doctor's office for the 1 week check. He weighed her on his scale (8 lbs, 7 ozs) and it wasn't as much weight gained as at the support group scale (8 lbs, 10 oz), but we think she probably weighs somewhere in between both of those numbers.
-We were amazed at how little we accomplished.

-We did a 1 week photo shoot!
-How time flies. 
***I wanted to post this yesterday, but it just didn't happen.

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